Saturday, May 10, 2008


A big CONGRATULATIONS to Jeff as well as his buddies at Wilford Hall who also took Part 2 of the anesthesia board exam (the oral examination) a few weeks ago!! His buddy called me this morning to see if I'd heard from him and to let me know that the ABA had posted results on their website yesterday. Scott said that everyone from Wilford Hall who had taken the exam had passed this time around which is great news!! And, of course, I hopped right on the website to see Jeff's for myself. We're so excited to reach this milestone!!


Laura said...

CONGRATULATIONS JEFF! We are so proud of you doc!
Do you think they'd let you come back to the US to do my epideral?

charlotte said...

GREAT JOB!! We knew you could do it.

Michelle said...

Congrats Jeff!