Saturday, May 10, 2008

Did I forget to mention that?

So I was chatting with my Mom earlier this week and after she'd asked what we were doing, I asked her what her plans for the evening were. To which she, oh so casually, replies that she's going downstairs to work on her talk for devotional. So once I register what she's said to me, and ask her a bunch of questions to make sure I'm not hearing things, she says, "Did I forget to mention that assignment?" Ummm - yes - you forgot to mention that. But I know now and I'm spreading the news on my blog and I hope she doesn't shake her head and wonder why she ever told me!! Mom - you're the coolest and you will do a fabulous job!! We're keeping you in our prayers and are excited to hear what you share with those lucky students at BYU-I this summer!!

1 comment:

Jennifer Tyler said...

Holy cow! Aunt Betty's awesome!