Thursday, January 31, 2008


I grew up just 1/4 mile from my paternal grandparents. Looking back, I'm sure I took their proximity for granted; however, now I recognize what a unique and special opportunity to be so close to them during my growing up years. Nowadays, how many kids have Grandma just up the road hooking them up with a Fat Boy ice cream sandwich or taking them grocery shopping with her? At Stake Conference on Sunday, we sat by the Christian's who shared their LifeSavers with us mid-way through the meeting. Not only a yummy treat, but also a trip down memory lane as I remembered that one thing I could ALWAYS count on was that Grandma and Grandpa Oldham would have a brand new roll of LifeSavers for us during sacrament meeting. Even though they seem like small things now, as a kid (and really at any stage of life), it's good to know those things that will be a constant!!

I was curious to know what my brothers and sisters would have to say about LifeSavers at church. Heard back from Trav and thought I'd post what he had to say . . . it really doesn't do it justice to paraphrase.

My recollection of LifeSavers at church . . . . . . .

If you are referring to the life savers Grandpa Reed used to keep in his suit coat pocket, also known as the number one reason to sit next to Grandpa at church. I remember that if you liked the variety kind, you went to Grandpa. If you liked the butter rum kind you went to Betty (this goes back to the Food Center days of our lives). I remember that they only got eaten after the sacrament.

If you are referring to life savers as the things that got us through being a Mormon as a young person in this world . . . . I would have to say it is the camp outs!! Blowing things up does a lot to relieve the rigors of choosing the right!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I love it! My grandparents had tic-tacs. :)