Jon's Run & Stroll was held at Brackenridge Park and started shortly after a memorial balloon release by those who have lost children or been touched by the loss of a child to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). There were a lot of teams in matching shirts with info or pics of a child who had passed away due to SIDS. It was fun for me to see so many groups of people come together in memory of someone they loved. I also loved to see the young kids participating in the race with their parents.
Saturday was also Birth Mother's Day (the day prior to Mother's Day) and so I thought about our sweet birth mother as I had my thoughts to myself while I worked my way through the course. How blessed my life has been because of her unselfishness and love!!
I have been motivated all spring by my awesome friends. Check out the before and after pics of us below. I'm looking forward to the next time - though it's probably going to be a few months since it's getting too hot here :-))
After - We Did It!!