Sunday, October 21, 2007

Timing is everything!!

I was in the bathroom this morning hurrying to get ready when I heard Jeff yelping from the other room. Coming out to investigate, I found Kaitlyn had been stripped down and he was changing her clothes. She'd caught him off guard and managed to get everything wet - including the carpet. Poor Daddy!!

Watching him change her this afternoon, I commented on how his diapering skills had evolved into a science. Lay her down; make sure everything is ready and accessible; remove the old diaper at the last possible second; get the new one there as fast as you can. I no more had said this and he was yelping again!! She'd hit him again!! Yes - two times in less than 8 hours.

He insists I jinxed him . . . I just think Kaitlyn's learned early on that timing is everything!!


charlotte said...

That is so great. I think they have a 6th sense of knowing when Daddy's are changing the diapers.

We're so glad she's growning so well.
Love to all

charlotte said...

I actually meant to say growing. Sorry lack of sleep at our house. Which I'm sure you understand.