My family has been witness (some members closer than others) to some pretty cool things since President Hinckley first announced that Ricks College would become Brigham Young University-Idaho. What a marvelous work that goes forward on that campus!!
For me, even though its construction wasn't technically a campus project, the crown jewel of all that has transpired is the new temple that will be dedicated tomorrow.
Since the time it was first announced, I have looked forward to the day it would be finished and am so exited for those who will be blessed by its existence. I would have loved to be able to be there for the Cultural Celebration tonight and the dedication tomorrow, but am so glad for family members who have been given the opportunity to be part of such an important event in the Church's history in the Snake River Valley.
Worth mentioning are the cookie ladies (Grandma O - among others) who served approximately 266,000 cookies to Open House patrons (in just over a month). The Stake Center to the west of the Temple was a great staging area for this undertaking which I think was a first in the history of temple open houses.
My thoughts have certainly been with the most temple-building prophet the last couple weeks. How grateful I am for President Hinckley who played such a role in bringing this light to this hill. And what a marvelous first official event for President Monson as he presides over the dedication tomorrow. Even thousands of miles away, my heart is full with gratitude for this blessing in the lives of so many faithful Latter-day Saints.
Last, but not least, credit for the gorgeous picture of this new temple goes to Rick Davis - family friend and Humanities Professor at BYU-I. I believe it was taken towards the end of 2007.